Free Educational Videos

What's the Right Business for You to Buy and How to Find It!

Dealing with Business Brokers & Hiring Your Deal Team

Discover Ten Commandments and Business Tips | Richard Parker

Buying a Business- Key questions you must ask the Seller | Richard Parker

What tough questions do Sellers ask? | Richard Parker

Richard's Insights: Part 1 - Mastering Due Diligence in Business Acquisitions

Due Diligence Part 2: How to Conduct a Flawless Investigation

Mastering Business Due Diligence Pt 3: Sales and Marketing

Mastering Business Due Diligence Pt 4: Suppliers and Customers Matter!

Part 1: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

Part 2: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

Part 3: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

Part 4: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

Part 5: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

Part 6: Richard Parker's Ask the Expert Business Buyer Q & A Session

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