Choosing A Business

This week, I want to tell you an incredible story of entrepreneurship involving the Washburn family of Talihina, Oklahoma. It is a beacon of success for anyone who is thinking about buying a business.

We received the following letter last month from Tim Washburn. It is one of the most heartfelt notes we have ever read.

I just wanted you to know you helped save my family’s bacon. You may not remember me but I purchased your book “How to Buy a Good Business at a Great Price.” My wife and I have a totally disabled child and therefore Mary couldn’t go out and get just any job. We were not making ends meet and it looked like we were going to have to make some very dismal choices for our family of seven. I told her to give me a month and if I couldn’t find anything for her to do at home to make money, then we could look at these less-than-desirable choices.

I read your book from cover to cover in three days and followed the procedures. In a month and a half we bought an internet coffee business. Mary has been working it and couldn’t be happier. We have the extra income that our family needed and it has lifted her self-esteem immeasurably.

I owe you a huge debt of gratitude because your book gave us an avenue that kept our family together by providing us with an additional resource for income that kept the bacon coming in.

Your book, Richard, really works and I was desperate. I know that if I had to again buy a business that I could (it was my first attempt at a business transaction and I don’t have a business mind). I simply followed the clearly laid-out procedures and got a business and paid 25% under the asking price.

I hope you read this and remember me and I hope this makes your day.”

Tim Washburn – Coffee, Tea & Spice – Talihina, OK –

My Thoughts:

I know many of our newsletter readers have never owned a business before. So, after having purchased ten of them myself, let me share my overriding business philosophy and a strategy that has made me a lot of money and will serve you well – I promise.

If you make it your company’s mission to really help the people who walk through your doors, then I guarantee that the profits will follow.

One of the greatest benefits to owning your own business is the impact you can have on the lives of other people including family, employees, clients, and suppliers.

Customers can easily sense your sincerity and nearly everyone wants to do business with a company that truly cares.

This philosophy goes beyond just plain vanilla customer service. It means that you go above and beyond to make certain that your customers love doing business with you. If you can instill that feeling into them, you can’t stop them from buying from you and you will crush the competition.

Tim’s letter proves two things: First,

if you have the attitude that you NEED to buy a business and not that you just WANT to buy one, then you are going to accomplish your goals.

All too often, people spend far too much time in the business-looking mode, but they’re not in the business-buying mode. They spend all their time searching listings but never get any results.

You have to have a roadmap and you have to get out there and meet sellers.

Second, although we receive a constant flow of letters from people that our materials have helped, the impact of our program on the Washburn family validates everything that we do. It goes way beyond the profit – there is nothing more empowering than being able to significantly and positively impact someone’s life.

Take a moment and visit Tim and Mary’s website: They have some incredible tea and coffee products – treat yourself – you deserve it! Or send someone a small gift. I ordered some of their products and they are terrific.


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